
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

day 689

48 great hours!!!!!

STILL no rain-during the runs that is! Last night, showers off and on. Again, why people say meteorologists never get it right is a mystery to me. To me, they always get it. Exactly last evenings conditions had been predicted. Earlier in the pm, I called Stoney, knowing he had half days (finals) asking that he shut the windows. When I get home they're open, not to worry, he was napping on the couch. Chillaxed for a bit, next thing, RAIN! Fortunately, heavy, and straight down. Actually left the windows open.

Sho' 'nuff, this am, niiiiice! Cool, 59 degs. REALLY terrific!

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