
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, June 12, 2011

day 686

MORE gooder!!!

Did this am's 5k purely with the intent of using it, like yesterday, as an excuse to run rather than gym it. POURING when I awoke this am, but figured, suck it up. Glad I did. THIS one was across the parkway from yesterday's, they're kind'a like sister races. THIS one HILLY!!! You know you do alot when you forgot all about it. I thought this one was a new one for me, turns out I'd done it years ago, having sworn off it due to its hills.

GLAD I did it. STILL broke 9 minutes, and THAT'S with 3 20 second walk breaks!!! Nice.

A quaint town, number pickup @ the gazebo. Picture below.

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