
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, June 17, 2011

day 691

streak is broken!

...then again, that's why streaks are good. Break one, start another.

This am, RAIN!!! Was ready to lace 'em up and head out, 10 mins before leaving home, BOOM! Skies fucking opened up! Good. need the break!

Last night, did Curtis's 5k. Really a blast! Usual suspects from the Queens peeps to the Lawnguyland peeps! Funny, was on the phone repeatedly helping the uninitiated find their way. What we take for granted is a mystery to others.

Curtis-always a helluva guy! Anita and Sal made the scene, Deb, Gillian, Helen-Helen's bro and sis in law, Rob. Was great to have a meeting of the worlds! For a brief time after the run, a light spritz, then stopped. We lucked out!

Follow Deb for most of the race, bless her. She kicked my ass! Tried to catch up, but just didn't have it in me. Good for her! (how the FUCK you can run after work totally escapes me).

Race was well attended, as well it should be. Curtis is a helluva guy.

GREAT pix, see below!

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