
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, August 30, 2010

day 400!

wow, helluva ride, n'est pas?

Felt good this am, didn't expect to. Funny how when your soul gets fed, the rest falls into place. Lil' bastard speaking to me again, if only to make a withdrawl from First Bank of Dad-or to request that (gasp) I don't touch the chinese food in the fridge (if It can buy chinese food, why can't It give him $$$ ?), still felt great.

Emmy's sucked. Glad for Jane Lynch, she IS a female House, but the rest of the shows were lightweights. Seriously, "Glee?" PLEASE!!! Could you have more feel good bullshit???

So, should'a taken this am off, but was cool (er), so, laced 'em up, and on my way. 10+. Dave The Superjew met me after St.Francis, so my finishing pace rocked.

Today, play in NYC!!!

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