
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

day 381

Was Rescue Me a howl last night or what????? Line of the year: Lenny Clarke to Denis Leary: "You're the Evil Knieval of Alcoholics Anonymous." Who the hell thinks this stuff up? Amazing writing!

Saw Step Up 3 yesterday, a surprise flick. Reaffirmed all the reasons I LOVE NYC and despise the 'burbs. In NYC, there's ALWAYS something going on, if you're bored-you're braindead. Also, in NYC, if you got balls you can make it. GOD I love the city. The weekend was the perfect example: races in the am, from 10am on, free. What to do? Grab the daily papers, copy of The Voice, pick an activity. WONDERFUL. What pure joy. No agenda, nowhere you gotta be, just fun. THIS is the kinda shit I try imparting to Stoney: 2 guys in the city with money...pick some trouble to get into. Unfortunately, he chooses staying couched with the game controller and slaptop. Missing out on so much. (the dumpster swimming WAS a howl!!!).

St.Francis this am. Wanted more, but-gasp-got up late, meaning, split Toxichouse an hour later than usual. Rescue Me was too good last night, hadda watch it again on the recast @ midnight.

Got AMAZING seats for Gov't Mule. Tried online, but I have a major problem paying $10.50 as a "convenience charge" in addition to the ticket price. Supposedly, that's the cost you pay for the convenience of ordering online. How fucked is that???? You're saving THEM the man hours of handling the transaction, yet YOU'RE paying for it??? So, went to the box office. STILL hadda pay a $6.50 cost over the ticket price. JEEEEEEEZ. But, there's no charge for parking (still haven't gotten over paying $30 for DMB concert parking), and.....FIRST ROW SEATS!!!!! Wow. God, I owe 'ya one.

***Things that make me crazy(ier):

1)the testicularly challenged. Can't stand they that lack balls. Shit or get off the bowl. We got a douche here who embodies all I loathe of the Social Work/Talk much do nothing/beats working for a living, people. Everything is an evasion, totally indecisive. I.E. If administration makes a decision, that gets translated into "staff don't feel empowered." On the flip side, "I defer to your decision." NO BALLS. Better still: "The team needs to meet to decide..." GOD I HATE the "team concept."

2)The inauthentic. Of all people, my main peep expressed employment concerns/financial concerns, while having their bathroom redone + enjoying sports season tickets. So, are you hurting for bucks or is this yet another luxury problem??????????????????? I have a toilet that, when flushed...well...let's leave it at "you don't want to know more." Does MY bathroom NEED to be redone, yes, badly, but I don't cry poverty. If you got enough to have your bathroom redone, or to afford season tix, you have a good life. Enjoy it, but don't look for excuses to worry. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.

3)The irresponsible, a.k.a. "shirkers." You know the type. Everything is someone else's fault or responsibility. The buck doesn't stop, but gets passed. Shebitch is notorious for this. Screams @ where the dogpoop was collected and deposited, ignoring the fact that it WAS collected and deposited, rather than being left all over the yard. Our secretary here is the same, couldn't complete a task because _____didn't give her the paperwork. What did you do to GET the paperwork????? Again, Social Worker/testicularly challenged is another. Reading a patient the riot act for sleeping all morning. Yet, why was his room left unlocked? Did staff take attendance during the groups, thereby noting his absence from them? These ARE addicts, duh! They'll do whatever we let them get away with.

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