
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, August 5, 2010

day 375


Whew, long week there! THIS is getting rough, but I think I can take it. This whole 2 day work week thing is wearing me out!!!

St.Francis + Kissena this am. With a 5m saturday and a 5k sunday, needed the longer distance.

Booked my room for the weekend-with the run Saturday downtown, then the Sunday race @ roughly the same location, it isn't worth the travel. It's always fun being single in the city with bucks. Unfortunately, going back to Toxichouse is always tough-thank GOD Stoney's there. Weekend's predicted to have great weather, niiice. AND, with Monday off, have another day to chillax.

***Just got off the phone with my colleague in Brooklyn. Their Director left for what she hopes is greener pastures, so he was asking wassup wit' me? He isn't interested, nor am I, for much the same reasons. 1)How much is too much? We make "enough." Nice place in life to be at. The Director's gig is $30,000 more, no thanks. 2)It's too big. Too many nightmares, too much to effectively manage (4x the size of this place). 3)It's an appointed gig. Our level is the highest you can go in a permanent title. Job security is good, and I don't kiss ass. Appointed positions serve @ the discretion of the governor. Fuck that. 4)Got my niche. Just gotta to ride it. Awfully nice to be in this place, but gotta remember, this is the end result of hard work and sacrifice, a.k.a. dues have been paid. And Shebitch feels entitled, yeah right. That's why It can't even qualify to sit for the test that got my foot in the door 20+ years ago. Good to be me today.

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