
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

day 388

getting better, in spite

Got back to Toxichouse, driveway filled with Its garbage-apparently cleaned Its car out-why, dunno, the crap just re-amasses. So, bags blowing all over the driveway, torn paper...amazing. Spend thousands to have it resurfaced, for this. No respect for a home, no effort, just a mess. How I maintain motivation amazes me.

texted Stoney, asked if he was interested in Scott Pilgrim, he responded yes. Good, would'a looked a lil weird there w/o a teenager. GREAT flick.

St.Francis + Kissena this am. Hadda log the miles before the rains set in.

...forget what we're told...before we get too old..........................

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