
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, August 2, 2010

day 372


Another day off, and...AND...Shebitch will be out of the domicile! This means I can actually chillax in the same 4 walls for which i pay a mortgage!!! Wow!!! So THIS is how YOU people live. LOVE this!!!!!

St.Francis this am, was WONDERFUL!!! Saw my usual suspects, knowing this day would be MINE. This is way cool. Actually went out and bought the NY Times. I NEVER get to read this! Then, later, I can watch True Blood and Entourage. Life IS good!!!

***Reading the Tom Arnold autobiography (don't laugh!!!), it's actually very good. He touches-not dwells-on he and Roseanne's time together, and I see alot of myself there. Not in him, but with his experiences with her. She is a dead ringer for shebitch-behaviorally. Both bipolar/manic/fucking nuts!!! If he made it, I can. The only dif, he had the wherewithall to divorce. I don't. It is what it is.

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