
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, May 1, 2010

day 279


like life n'est pas?

Good news: Stoney got his progress report signed, did ok, whew.
Better News: was home yesterday evening with a crowd of his peeps.
Bad News: I lost my Gilligan, he's grown :(

I called to ask if he wanted to see the new Nightmare on Elm Street flick, bless his heart, he answered he did but would rather hang with his peeps. I congratulated him on his choice, but felt horrible inside. He has good friends, but I miss hangin' with him. The bird has outgrown the nest. Miss him sleeping with his arm around me, but he IS a teenager. His main peep spent the night, good. This is how it should be. He feels comfortable enough to invite peeps to hang and sleep over.

Manana the half. Legs STILL feel like rubber, just making it up the stairts without breaking into a sweat for the first time in centuries. Jeeeez. Will this bug ever leave? (and I'd do the 10k if they gave a medal, the half is the shortest distance for which they issue hardware.).

Temps predicted: HOT. Good, let's get this sucker done. THEN I can do the lawn-looking distinctly Vietnamish again. SHOULD do it today, but don't wanna risk anything in my current state.

***Couldn't resist. After a week of nothing/pneumonia, HADDA do SOMETHING, so, did the lawn. Feel better. KNOW I'm gonna regret it manana, but hey, I might not ever see manana.

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