
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, May 27, 2010

day 305

snuck one in!

Have the distinct feeling that it'll rain. Weather peeps predicted isolated thundershowers. THIS is what makes this time of year a 'roid. Warm as hell, but you gotta close the windows to NOT damage your walls.

St.Francis +, 8 total. This is getting to be a pattern. Good. Still was afraid of getting soaked @ the turnaround-skies grew increasingly cloudy, but by the end the sun was fighting its way in. Knees actually feel ok, what's wrong with this picture?

Def shirt off weather. Was soaked. Major mistake there.

Was nice yesterday to come back home to find Stoney and one of his peeps there eating pizza and playing. Unfortunately it was video games, but whatthehell, beats smoking crack. The good part of Stoney's naivete is he doesn't know what a shithole he lives in, and his friends couldn't give a shit, as long as the electricity works, there's an internet connection, and pizza. I was shocked, when I entered, every window where they were hanging (the living room) was shut. Amazing they didn't melt in a pool of sweat. Actually had a, brief, father/son moment. Was nice.

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