
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, May 21, 2010

day 299

running: easy.
life: not so much.

St.Francis @ teamfeetwellbrickum this am, 10+. Was too nice a morning to not run long(er). After St.Francis last night, feel like I'm wrapped in an Alley Pond blanket.

Toxichouse? It and Stoney literally yelling @ each other. Gleefully, I observed. Root of this blowout? It wants Stoney to attend a first communion. Now...let this sink in. Don't practice what you preach, scream @ your spouse, threaten him with legal action (what WOULD Jesus do???), raise your child in the cornerstone of choices/options, then get livid when he does something you disagree with. I LOVE it. Little prick threatened to call his brotherfromanother mother and have him pick him up, to spend the weekend there. Yes, I loved every second. Wait, it got better, the presenting problem to the fight was...Grey's Anatomy. Now, remember, It espouses a 12step program that espouses "how important is it?" Yet, get involved in a screaming match with your son over a television show. Amazing. Utterly amazing. And I love it.

Learning from others: guy @ work, can't stand him-all ego, nothing behind the curtain but a brain dead wizard. His son, always speaks about him, scored ___ points in hoops, attained ___belt in martial arts. All you ever hear is bragging. Now, there's pride in your offspring's achievements, and bragging. Put it this way: y'know @ spin class there's the knob to adjust resistance? He fakes adjusting it. Long winded explanation of what happened, point is, his son-a.k.a."precious" is failing. This guy makes it a point to repeatedly speak of the private school this kid attends, and is now failing in. Had this guy pegged, in supervision I'm always riding him about hubris. Hope Keith realizes why I'm the parent I am. I always was aware of the extent to which my Mother put herself out for us. Hope Keith realizes this, I know Shebitch is clueless. I honestly can't remember that last time anything other than venom spewed from It's mouth. Yet, who always speaks of Stoney's character and intelligence. I'm terribly proud of the boy, but, I realize he IS human.

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