
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

day 303


Sooo glad the rains held off, another beautiful am, not too hot, though you broke a sweat. St.Francis. Between the prior rains and the temps, the foliage is really growing by leaps and bounds, feel as though The Line will be enveloped. Cool. Nature reminding us who's boss. Side note: The Line SMELLS lovely, truly. This won't last with summer kicking in and humidididity/heat baking the dogpoop, but for now, blooming foliage provides nature's air freshener (I'm sickening myself reading this, but it's WAS lovely!!!). I was fully prepared to spin tonight, but this weather is too nice.

Shebitch home, It and Stoney fighting. Love it. While cooking lobster (yet,It has no $ for his lunch), It took great pains to explain Its friend gets rooms in Atlantic City for nearly nothing-I responded I didn't ask and was grateful for a peaceful house BUT It needs to tell me when It's away for the sake of parental coverage. Of course I added I would never ever again tell It when I'd be away, It lost that right long ago. So, why were they fighting? He wants a video game, It's yelling that he doesn't deserve it as he hasn't held up his end of responsibilities @ Toxichouse-walking the dog etc... Children learn by example, It needs to realize this. As he sat and ate the strawberry shortcake It bought (and will then ride him for his weight). No, you can't make this up. Icing on the cake, It says It has "alot of catching up to do," huh??? It does absolutely positively nothing, hasn't since 2003. Unless it means contribute to the bills, yes, It DOES have alot of catching up to do. Helluva sense of entitlement. It STILL doesn't understand you must earn these things.

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