
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, May 14, 2010

day 292

the big day is here!!!

Gotta meet up with the second van in an hour, get Rettmer (team member #6) then start. The second van was leaving this am @ 5:30. Jeeeeez. Can't imagine that, glad we came up last night. Imagine driving 2 + hours, then running/sleeping for the next 24? No thanks.

Good news: my leg isn't 'til 6:30.
Bad news: my leg isn't 'til 6:30.
Good news: I have the last leg.
Bad news: everyone will be there breaking my balls.
Good news: my first leg is the longest (8+).
Bad news: THAT'S when the rain is predicted to start.

I'm psyched, VERY psyched. AND there's buzz of actually doing Forest Park Sunday. Are we whacked???

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