
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

day 297

same weather, dif day.

ANOTHER of those: "should I stay or should I go?" mornings. Fully prepped to do Boot Camp tonight, then checked the hourly forecast...and...and..."cloudy." YES! Lace 'em up, head out! St.Francis, easy pace, logged some good miles. Len passed me both directions, neither of us doing Brooklyn. Forgot to ask if he placed @ Forest Park.

ALMOST done processing Ragnar. MAN that was fun. You really DO feel like Superman who morphed back into Clark Kent, or a soldier just in from the war-adjusting to his surroundings. The detritus of daily life just doesn't seem as important. REALLY makes looking @ peeps who do nothing all day difficult. Feeds into my theory of life: somehow (evolution, Adam n' Eve, whatever. Bottom line: we're here)we're given life, now let's see what we can do with it. What an amazing experience.

Boss pondering retirement. Dunno if I want his gig. It's an appointed position where you serve @ the discretion of the Governor, so, with each new Governor you gotta wonder if you're still employed. On the other hand, a few grand more in the check. Truth, I make plenty (how many can say that?). I lack for nothing (materially), do pretty much as I please. I'm free @ the workplace, the boss realizes I need a long leash/no leash at all. The downside, aside from no security, if I don't do it-have I invested so much blood/sweat/tears here to have to answer to yet ANOTHER boss? Don't think so. We'll see. DO know I'm not about to have an outsider tell me what to do. I may have no choice. To the extent that you're accountable to someone else, you maintain that level of "inner-childness." Being the Boss means fully being an adult, autonomous, Nietzsche's superman. Do I really want that?

***REALLY good hockey yesterday pm!!! Took the pm off, got the call to meets 'da boyz @ the rink-we got some prime ice time. And WHO got the most penalty minutes? :) LOVE hockey!!!!! How can you not?

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