
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, May 17, 2010

day 295

good to be home.

Actually felt a sense of relief running St.Francis this am. Same bat time, same bat course. Ahhhhhhh, home is good.

You DO get that "day after Christmas feeling," a.k.a. "DID all that actually happen?" We return to form, assuming the clothes of daily existence, returning to our jobs etc....mainstreaming. But we're never the same, not the same people we were Thursday. Nice.

Digestive system having the worst of it. Knees ok, but the gut...ouch. You don't wanna use the bathroom after me. Though this run had an interesting side note (among a million others): CLEAN port-o-sans. Wow! And, plenty of t.p. Nice. Plenty of motivation: leave it in the same condition you found it-what goes around comes around.

Of course, reliving Ragnar, this could go on for a while-good. Still amazed @ the logistics, the organizers did an amazing job. Also, very happy with my performance-thinking about the Toxicity in which I live-it served me well, i.e.: It waking me up to yell @ me, slamming the doors shut to the extent that the house rattles, all combine to condition me to disrupted sleep/sleep deprivation. For me, this was how most of my days, nights are. Not unusual. The only Ragnar wrinkle, our team wasn't on meds. Actually got more rest on this trip than usual. AND, matched my running hours.

*AND: am I the only one to notice that the top of the medal (you know, the part through which the ribbon is threaded) looks like a bottle opener?

***REALLY fun explaining to non runners what Ragnar was. More so than usual, they think we're nuts. Can't argue that.

Thanks Striders. Didn't know I had it in me, though I'd hoped I did.

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