
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, February 5, 2010

this just in!

snuck outta work for 2 hours, did Boot Camp (one hour class, 30 mins before on ellip/sauna, 30 mins after-shower/sauna). Feel like a million bucks!!!

(hadda make up for not going to Spin last night. Felt like a load.)

Now, the question: class tonight or not? Rule of thumb: depends on the snow. We'll see. The downside, if I go to the class, I'm wiped manana. Hence, I COULD run St.Francis manana, but after 2 Boot Camps, my ass would be draggin'-like last week.

***Gotta track down my plaque, left the Holiday party before I could be presented with it. I dodged it a)because every president gets one (I know I deserve it, I gave the club my all, but still, feel funny), b)I always sleaze outta things.

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