
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

day 212

wow. Is it EVER gonna stop precipping??? Rain this am, was s'posed to start last night but we dodged a bullet. Also, would we prefer snow? Just getting tired of either.

VERY good class last night. But even this is getting played out: bring on the warmer weather-get back to The Line. When the instructor tells you that you "look strong" you know you've become adapted to training for training's sake.

So...ellip tonight, then spin.

***Had big ceremony last night @ The Garden to note the anniv of the 1970 Knicks. Again, a major part of my youth. Pete had season tix, we saw all the greats-the one who most sticks in my mind wasn't even a Knick, but Pistol Pete-and he's dead. What a team we had!!! CLYDE, Willis, Bill Bradley, DeBusschere. Wow. Those days are g-o-n-e. THAT was the golden age of being a team. Now, athletes are whores-whomever pays the most gets me. Johnny Damon is a perfect example. Mr.Red Sox, then the Yankees make an offer, he jumps ship to the enemy, now he'll be in Detroit next year. I miss those days. '69/70 was the year for NY sports-the Jets, Rangers, Mets, and Knicks all kicked ass that year. Wow. GREAT time to be a kid. THIS is the kinda crap I lament-Stoney'll never know times like that-nor does he care. All that matters is x box. What scares me, what I try to reinforce to him is: it's all well and good to have fun, that IS the point of being a kid, but after the on button's shut off, what does he have to show for his efforts? Bless you Pistol Pete, bless you Derek Sanderson, Bobby Orr, Rod Gilbert, Brad Park, George Sauer, Matt Snell, Jim Neilsen. And thanks. You made being a kid great.

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