
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

day 199

yes, yes I did.

St.Francis esta manana. No, I'm not well. YOU should know that by now.

It was BEAUTIFUL. My own private snowy unblemished world. And I'm man enough to say "lovely." Wow. Really, wow.

Last night's spin was half filled, surprising. The precip wasn't s'posed to hit until much later, people wimped out. Most people do, I find.

It? When I came back to Toxichouse, no sign of It. Stoney alone, napping. It ditched him to go to the movies. Nice. Yet another shining example of good parenting.

Walked into the gym this am, one of the usual suspects said he did his run this am thinking of me. Of course I asked what exact curses he was muttering under his breath. He said he KNEW I'd be out there-good call, so the least he could do was a mile. Nice. Brotherhood of the dysfunctional.

Tonight, boot camp/ellip? We'll see if the instructor shows.

Stoney: no school. I was shocked NYC Public Schools announced closure so early, yesterday after lunch. Wow. Apparently, this snow WILL be a motherfucker. Worry won't change it, may as well work out!

Amazing snowfall, over a foot. THIS is the part that tugs @ my heartstrings: It's lying around, doing nothing. Stoney SHOULD be out snowtubing, playing in the snow. Instead, he's on the X Box. Remember when we were kids? We LOVED this crap! Lived for it. Later, as "adults" we went traying on the Douglaston golf course. Kids now just don't wanna "play," they'd rather do electronic crap. And they that held them for 9 months (a.k.a. babymama, a.k.a. Shebitch, a.k.a. It) would rather critique my every move, rather than do something with Stoney. Pathetic, waste of a day.

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