
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, February 12, 2010

day 201


made it through a tough week. Fortunately, ending on a high note. Made up for Wednesday night's gym closure with a vengeance yesterday. Elliped and did Spin class, either of which would'a been enough. Got back to Toxichouse, It has Its meds-Effexor, 75 mgs. Thank G. Their meal? Pizza. Ahhhhh, home cookin'. Whence the pizza? It tried getting a gig @ the pizza joint (51 years old and waitressing @ a pizza joint, embarassing). Didn't get it. Big surprise. I'd feel empathy/sympathy, however, after telling It repeatedly of the need to have a career and not a job, It made Its bed. Again, if you owned a restaurant, would you want someone who looks like they just escaped the death camps serving your food? Not great for an appetite. Not to mention how your son looks at you. And you wonder why I didn't walk away???

Thank GOD for working out. Where would I be without it?

Weekend looks dicey: got the LB race Sunday, manana-St.Francis, BUT: melting snow and shmutz may impact on that decision. Add to this, melting snow AND sub freezing temps @ night. Dunno yet.

Tonight: Boot Camp.

Bring on the weekend!!!!!

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