
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, February 8, 2010

day 197


Saints win it!!! How cool was that? For a brief, shining moment, the team that should win did.

Best commercial: The Letterman ad. Found out on the way in it was real, not cgi! Wow. Leno hadda sneak into the studio with shades and a hooded sweatshirt. Impressive work. Add to this: NBC actually gave him permission to do this-a competitors-network. Wow.

Best play of the game: first play after halftime: on side kick. How aMAZING was that??? AND it worked. Just for calling the play, coach should be lauded. Well done.

Still thinking about brotherfromanothermother. REALLY sucks for him, not just knee prob, but the entire leg. Mskes me glad I have the approach/attitude I do: always run with the intent of running manana. Not that you should intentionally hold back, but there IS always a manana. He'll run, then do a spin class, then a step class. Too much. AND, when I say that, it's an understatement. Never understood these runners who run with that "oh my GOD I'm in so much pain" look on their faces. Enjoy the run. Or not.

It? In bed all day, except to lift Itself from Its bed to go to 2 meetings. Amazing. Do NOTHING with your child, but go to 2 meetings. That's right, his sunday dinner was chinese food leftovers, that he hadda reheat himself. The previous day we went to the movies, of course I got him some junk (Wendy's). An ENTIRE weekend of shit. It can criticize endlessly, but didn't lift a friggin' finger for Its son. Pitiful. What kills me: SOME families look forward to Sundays, sunday dinner/breakfast etc.....It's talks a great talk with Its groupies, but @ Toxichouse, does nothing. Didn't your mother make you breakfast? Hot chocolate? Something/anything? Rather than get some takeout, leave it in the fridge, point to it and say "you asked for it." Not unlike inhouse neglect. Best of all: It lifts Itself from bed @ the crack of noon, with Stoney glued to the x box not 5 feet awaty. No breakfast, no nothing. Still think I make this crap up???

***The team's set for Ragnar. Yin/Yang. Yin: brotherfromanothermother and I got shut outta the Vermont City Relay lottery. Probably for the best. If he's one step away from crippled, and I've always been, between the 2 of us we have 1 runner. And one runner who has no bidness doing distances. In talking about the injury, I bring up the obvious: the machine breaks down. All of us who've been at it for 5 or more years have paid the price. Sort of inevitable.

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