
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, February 26, 2010

day 215

AMAZING!!! Could there BE crappier conditions?

Last night: 1/2 the Spin class. Half the usual suspects wimped out. So, the instructor kicked things up a notch. GREAT workout. He said the obvious: would'a been a perfect opportunity to have Pret as a guest.

Got back to Toxichouse, shit hit the fan. Told Stoney he needed the progress report signed, he turned into a terrible teen. Suffice to say: I out shouted him. What irks the hell outta me: his talking back, I did many things, but was NEVER disrespectful. What he also doesn't get is: it'd be easier to be a spectator (Shebitch) than to work @ parenting. I'd LOVE to let him do his thing unfettered, but someone has to lay down the law. He doesn't understand that, and i don't expect him to, but i DO expect him to exercise respect. Last night was OFF THE HOOK.

Manana: Ray Davies. Yay!!!!!

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