
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

day 198

ok, make this make sense:

unemployed, do nothing other than lie down on an air mattress in the living room, then, go shopping-bringing home nothing but junk: chips etc... PLEASE make that make sense. No veggies, nothing I eat, only junk. I.E. (as if the chips weren't bad enough) eclairs. Amazing. Utterly amazing. You have money for this crap (breakfast food=lucky charms), yet I'm supposed to provide lunch money (apparently the only halfway healthy meal Stoney gets). Utterly amazing. It has NO clue.

Spin class last night. Even the instructor noted I seemed to be particularly into it. After a day in the boogie-down Bronx, where up is down and down is up, I needed it. Funny to see how bidness there has picked up. Before, some classes were more full than others, lately, every one is maxxed out.

Gettin' into a good groove here: work the bod while saving the knees:
Monday: Spin/Ellip.
Tuesday: Spin.
Wed: Run/Boot Camp/Ellip.
Thurs: Spin.
Fri: Boot Camp.
Sun: Run.
Seems to be working, though race times suffer, it beats the hell outta using crutches.

Tonight, a bit more dodgy, I'll be in NYC @ meetings today, getting back for class'll be tight, but I'll manage. Either way, gotta beat the snow.

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