
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, January 29, 2010

day 187

...and what have you done?????

another year over, a new one's just begun.

Been thinking of that tune alot lately-part of the whole "embracing your age/you are where you should be" thing. I've always been comfortable in my own skin, even when I was a fat load, now comes the part of life when you're on cruise control/riding the wave you worked to create. Of course, this leads one to examine what you married. This explains, as we've discussed before, why It is so miserable. It has nothing to show for itself. OK, you're recovering from cancer...and...? What had you done with your life before (waitressed, ignored your son), what did you do after (ignored your son, raged at your husband). In short, nothing. I'm content. Had the conversation, again, with Stoney last night re: if this were your last day, was it well spent (x box be damned).

Boot camp tonight. Yes, Friday night and working out. Whatthefuckiswrongwitme?????

Last night, saw Extraodrinary Measures. Had time to kill before spin class. REALLY a good movie, I was surprised. Brendan Fraser has YET to make a decent flick, yet still gets lead roles-must know somebody. How this one got made I've NO idea-until I saw the opening credits: Executive Producer: Harrison Ford. Voila! Actually a good flick. Also, it fit in well with The Experiment. Trying to further refine my act, so, less crap (chocolate @ movies). So far, 2 movies, no chocolate. Actually made it through both with no munchies. Unamerican, but healthy. THEN, Hockey 'til 2 am. THAT explains why "only" spin class last night, hadda save some gas in the tank for the ice. Forgot how much fun hockey was, glad I got called. A lil sore, but I'll live.

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