
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

day 171

spoke too soon.

So, an hour on the ellip, 30 mins stationary bike, then spin class. Nice. NOT equiv to a good run, nothing is, but it'll havta do for now. Richard's spin class is very good.

So, wassup with the title? Yesterday's post re: It's good behavior? So much for that. Last night, back to the same old same old: "we need a mediator, I can't live like this"...so of course I readily pointed out the option to living, offering to bring Stoney to the wake. Bottom line: It's unemployed. Sucks for It. The restaurant won't give It any hours-would YOU want a chemo patient serving your food? Kind'a kills the appetite. YEARS ago, like 20, when I first started @ Manhattan, I told It, with It's background, to apply and get a gig like mine. No, rather live an off the books lifestyle. Then It tried Real Estate, then Avon, now nothing. Pity. Sucks for It. Bad choices make for a bad life, take responsibility. Gotta grow up sometime, pity it hadda occur @ 51. No, not alotta pity here. Too many years of saving nothing, spending everything. Remember the year we had power/cable etc...shut down, yet there were PILES of Christmas gifts for everyone and anyone??? Rome burning, It fiddling. Delaying adulthood just makes it more tragic when it finally kicks you in the face. What can you really expect??? While the rest of the planet was building a career, you're hangin' with your friends, slinging food, inconsistently earning an income based on the capriciousness of the restaurant business. No, no pity. Hope Aruba was worth it.

Tonight: boot camp. Doing a nice job of cross-training. Hope to confuse the muscles out of lethargy.

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