
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, January 11, 2010

day 169

p.s. remember the blowup over the infamous can of soup?? ("did you...?") it's STILL on the shelf.

St.Francis esta manana. Hadda. Should'a waited for spin class tonight, but new House is on, and as we all know, life stops when House is on.

Actually felt warm (er), almost a heat wave-22 degs, woo hoo!!!

Funny, It's mood darkens as it's income diminishes. Hmmmm. AND It's back on Sinequan (google it).

*****MAJOR victory: getting better @ this whole food thing. I KNOW my times would improve if I had stamina, which comes from carbs. I eat NO carbs, hence, a powergel every 3 or 4 miles in longer races. The prob comes in when I train. Days like today when I do 6-7 miles, I'm wiped. Eating NO recovery bagel or any of that crap, my focus is solely on staying skinny. This was a major "aha" moment as I'd look @ some of my peers who weigh dramatically more (Rick Secor?) yet have amazing times. That explains it. They run to win, I run to stay skinny (and not lose my mind). Nontheless, it's a daily battle, one you don't understand if you don't have an eating disorder. And, if you don't, I DO envy you. It's like an alcoholic learning to socially drink. An alcoholic's disease can be controlled: i.e. don't keep booze in the house. Kind'a hard to not keep food available.

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