
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

day 177

back to it.

This am the Gov gives his budget speech, manana the comish comes to cut the ribbon on our new addition (dining room/group rooms). Yin/Yang, tomato/tomahhhto.

Tonight, spinning. Work it!!! Gotta. Stoney's home from school, It-of course-didn't call the school, I'm getting calls saying he's m.i.a. I told you, It is utterly and completely unable to do ANYTHING. I.E. call the friggin' school @ 8 to say He's ill. Absolutely useless.

Trying to undo the mess It made of the Health Benefits. In August paper was sent asking for confirmation of who we wanted on our policy, told you, it got sucked into the void that is It's car or wherever It stashes mail (why, I'll never know). Now, due to it's illness, I gotta send paper (birth certificate, taxes,...) to NYSHIP. Pain in the ass-yet another, brought to you by "Sybil and It's illness." The best part: It gets zero meds until this is straightened out. Hopefully it will learn.

***Cool pix below. That really was alotta fun, and it was lovely to be invited. Nice to hang with people who won't let you be your normal isolative self.

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