
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, January 2, 2010

day 160


So...raced out, nothing today, light snow-enough to make everything beautiful-and dangerous. The Line was clear, but ice in spots, especially THE spot. Had my mind set on St.Francis, knew I'd be the only fool doing so, headed out @ 8:30. That's a nice lil side benny of not being prez-don't gotta do nuttin' no mo'. Freeing really.

So, headed to St.Francis, did ok for the first 2+, then, BOOM! Did the 90 degress turn toward the softball fields, where ice usually develops, and right down onto left cheek. Thank G. Could'a been the elbow or knee. Of course, finished the run-with a wet butt that turned to ice-literally. You haven't run until you did with what felt like a cold plank on your ass.

To the gym to sauna/shower, I got a lump on my butt the size of a 15 year old's tit. Ouch!!!

NOW I think of Elik's words as he passed me. Haunting. He spoke of slipping in the upper park.

Still, third day in a row. Knees holding up, nice.

p.s. picked up a new pair of running shoes. Was killing time before the New Year's Eve countdown, checked a Modells, got a pair of Saucony Grid Cohesions for $30. Put the insert in and...NICE!!! Using them as my racing shoes. Tried them @ the Midnight Run, then @ the Republic Airport 5k-and...and...BROKE 9 MINUTES!!!!! YAY! FINALLY. Now, gotta get back to 8:30.

p.p.s.: Crazy Heart: AMAZING movie. Maggie Gyllenhal is HOT, the film is heartrending.

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