
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, January 7, 2010

day 165

knocked out another good class, boot camp went well. Especially after not having class for 2 weeks, it was good for the cardio. Did the ellip previous to it, get good and warmed up, then class. Nothing replaces running, but cross training is good for the soul-and knees.

Tonight, spin. Haven't been to THIS class in 2 years. Now that the club has a new Prez, I can attend. Looking forward to this one. It's the hardest of the week, but you get immediately into it, the instructor's a good guy. I'll miss the peeps in The Parkhouse, but I still hate meetings.

Manana, stay in the city. Snow predicted for tonight through manana, got the 5m run on Saturday, so I'll be fresh and ready. Also, a mini vaca from Toxichouse. That alone is worth the cost of a night.

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