
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, January 18, 2010

day 176

you reap what you...........

St.Francis again this am, part of the Monday "I have a day off so I gotta push it" Triathlon. So...St.Francis, then Boot Camp, then Spinning. Hey, somebody's gotta do it.

Glad I did, avoid Toxichouse at ALL cost. Shebitch in rare form. Some time ago, mail was sent to all employees asking to confirm the members they wanted carried on their health insurance. It bogarts ALL mail, throws it in It's car, hence...the car looks like a homeless shelter on wheels. Today, It goes to get Its scripts refilled and.....policy expired. It was breathing FIRE. Asked for Stoney's phone (so I would take the call), went NUTS. To which I, of course, replied, "check your car." It cannot, under any circumstances take any responsibility for anything. Add this to Its current unemployment, and it's a lethal mix. Again, you reap what you sow. Poor thing.

One of the guys @ work had gastric bypass, never changed his diet, last lunch consisted of cheeseburgers, then he claimed to not feel well. Put back all the weight he'd lost. Now, he's in a coma.

Wonder why I did the "triathlon?"

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