
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

day 163

One monkey DON'T stop no show!!!

When first internalized, this lesson hurts, but then, it becomes quite freeing, i.e. the weight of the world is off your shoulders.

a)Last night: Spin class; the participants are on time, warming up, one minute...5 minutes...15 minutes...no instructor. Finally, hopped off the bike, went to the front desk, they didn't know where he was either. Even Paul, wandered into the class, asked where the instructor was. The amazing part: not ONE participant left, we ALL stayed. Some got more of a workout than others (this WAS scheduled to be a beginner's class). All I know: I got my workout.

b)The January newsletter is out. Deb did a great job in taking the ball and running with it. Nice, well done. Good to know parts ARE interchangeable. AND the club is spared my attitude. Might bale on the dinner dance, I'm not needed there and really feel out of my element at these things: I don't dance, barely eat and am insufferably antisocial. We'll see.

It's home, good for Stoney. Came home last night, after having friends fix It's car. Really pathetic, can't do a goddamned thing for Itself. But, Stoney's happy. Good.

Gotta stick with spinning again tonight. Knees are feeling better, got my 5k under 9 minutes, don't wanna re-injure.

Feel sorry for the peeps doing Disney, there it's freezing/close to the 20's. OUCH. Every time I hear of someone thinking of doing that one, I do my damndest to dissuade them.

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