
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

day 178

hee hee.

So...day 3 of no meds. I AM loving this. After 6 years of mental abuse and total utter dysfunction, I LOVE this too damned much. No sleeping pills (nice sobriety there!!!), no oxycodon...this should be alotta fun!

REALLY good class yesterday, you know it's hot when people are turned away. You're supposed to sign up 30 mins before class starts, too many tourists just bogart a bike. The instructor actually gave his up, only to reclaim it when a wuss quit mid class. Amazing. If you can't hack it, either keep your puppy ass at home, or take it easy on the resistance. REALLY no tolerance for that kinda crap. Lead, follow, or get outta the way.

Amazing weather, hadda do St.Francis. Consider today a biathlon. Tonight, boot camp.

@ 1 pm we've got the ribbon cutting for the new building. Comish is coming, photo ops, etc..... Again, amazing. The Manhattan facility is shuttered with the excuse of downsizing, when in fact, it was thrown under the bus. Meanwhile, $$$ for therapeutic communities (Odyssey, Phoenix House, Samaritan Village) pours like water from a drain.

No, Virginia, you can't write stuff this good.

And...on the absurdity scale YOU tell me how this rates: with the VIP's coming, of course we get rid of the patients. Supervisors ASK their staff to drive. ASK? ASK?? ASK??? What would YOUR answer be if your boss ASKED you to do something. Wimps all of 'em. TELL your fucking staff what to do. They in turn need to respect your decision, if not, you need to quit. Amazing really.

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