
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

something different

refusing to age gracefully, I decided to throw a monkey wrench in the works.

St.Francis daily was good, but hit a wall-plateau'd. Was getting really good @ 6.5, but my 5k and 10k times suuuuuucked. So, did the last membership meeting, what do my ears come upon: track workouts starting again! Ok, let's give this a shot.

@ least I'd get to sleep in, no pre dawn run this am.

Made it to the track, parking was impossible, but hey, when you get there stupid early.

Was a bit concerned: POURED rain, but it let up. Typical summer bullshit, one minute dark and downpour, next minute sunny and hotttttt/humid.

Didn't know what to expect, other than I'd be the slowest of the group. I saw who showed and wondered whatthefuck do THEY need track workouts for?

I held my own, on the they lapped me-but if it took me 4 laps to complete their 3, I wasn't THAT far off.

I DID ask that I NOT be told my times. I didn't wanna get disheartened. So, coach didn't. He DID say I was consistent (heard THAT before???) and that I did what he expected me to. OK, I'll take it.

It's ok if my times don't improve. But I'll be damned if I don't try. At least when you fail, you gave it a shot. Gotta try.

Pays to have your brass balls meet feelings of intimidation. Glad I did.

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