
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, July 18, 2009

should'a, could'a, would'a, but didn't

should'a taken today off, since yesterday was an off day-but too nice-and with the threat of rain yesterday, hadda do St.Francis again. Makes 5 days, nice. Feeling REALLY good. HOTTTTTT as a mother, but nice day.

Hadda be there since Alan couldn't. He was kind enough to call ahead, since he couldn't set up, I hadda. Was regged to do the 4m in CP, but fuckit. Not a big deal. I was where I needed to be. STILL no patience with all the goddamned talking-if a run is supposed to go off @ 8:30, @ 8:30 it goes! None of this 8:33 shit. There's on time and everything else. Still, I was where I needed to be. Bless my peeps.

******We've got Dave!!!!! He was doing AP, wearing The Singlet. Asked if he was doing O 2 S. Yessssssss. He's joined the dark side. What a guy. Bumped into him and Len. Funny there. Did he get any shit for not showing for the 6-14 run? Hmmmmm, makes you wonder.

Came back to Toxichouse, fired a few rounds with Spike. Ahhhh, father/son memories. Warm fuzzies while pulverizing targets/making a box of raisin bran into raisin dust.

P.S. McCartney: amazing. 67 years old and he STILL delivers. Bless him.

***Harry Potter: fell asleep. Stick a fork in it. Unless Hermione gets naked in the next one.

.....kissed the softest lips I'd ever tasted, the sweetest heart I never had.......

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