
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hi there, Satan here

so, I'm Satan, a liar and a thief...oh yes, and I should_________________It's really good @ telling others what they should be doing when It does nothing (ask when It has EVER reviewed Keith's homework?).

Think Shebitch is on a tear???

I'd been asking, for now, 3 days, for Keith's report card. The above was It's way of saying It didn't have it. It was quite taken aback that I believe I should see it, can you imagine? And better, It tells me to call Keith-talk about putting an innocent child in the middle. It claims HE has the report card.

Now, take a moment, let that sink in. Not only was the father denied access to his sons final report card, It directs the father to the child to get it. Amazing. Thereafter, It counters with the laundry list of accusations and dictums.

When I inquire as to what consequences should follow poor grades, It responds "none, it's only grade school."

St.Francis this am, thank God.

When G asked what It should be called I of course responded : It, Shebitch, Queen of the Damned, Plaintiff. Tohse were kind.

Can you imagine, denying access to his report card, thereafter referring a parent to the child to see it.

Bear in mind, Monday is Keith's birthday. Sunday we were supposed to see a Cyclones game with the club, God knows if he'll be home.

Pray. For what, I think you know. Just pray.

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