
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

it's baaaaaaaack!!!

Non Hodgkins Lymphoma morphed into leukemia +, the kind that doesn't go away. The kind that's beyond surgery, the "this makes Farrah look healthy" kind. Ouch. Monday spinal tap to determine if/how far it is into the bones. So far: lymph nodes, every major organ, except the brain. Yes, the liver. Ouch.

Tried speaking with Keith about it, he didn't wanna talk. I hadda. Told him it wasn't a discussion, but he had to know wassup. With any luck It'll get another year, probably around 6 months.

Would YOU wanna be the person who said what It said, and have this prognosis? Helluva way to be remembered.

Treatment, I wouldn't do it, but I don't have to, chemo-in hospital. Like I said, it's beyond surgery-it's everywhere. Stem cell, most likely. Bless technology, but it's a long shot. Stem cell replacement really is a last ditch.

Dreading being a single parent, but been one since '03. Only dif would be less obstacles-no one there to contradict whatever I say/sabotage my efforts.

Reality is tough right now.

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