
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, July 24, 2009

deja vu all over again

ok, rain tuesday, so rescheded track for thurs, rain again. DAYUM!!! REALLY needed it, but, gotta accept what ya' can't change. So, quiet eve @ home with Spike. Nice.

This am, 10. Hadda. St.Francis + Kissena 5k. Nice. New running shoes, hadda try 'em out, felt good. And after a day off, needed it.

Manana, It's party. A house full of people who worship the ground It walks on, and despise me...in my house...fun. Damned if I do, and if I don't. Stay there, get reamed. Stay away, get reamed. AND manana is Curtis's cruise!!! DAYUM!!! Would LOVE to be there. Hope Keith one day appreciates what I go through.

Hopefully it'll be the last year of this crap.

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