
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

it was 19 years ago today

nineteen loooooooooong years. Why oh why did I utter those fatal words???

As a comedian I like once said, "if you REALLY wanna prove your love to someone, NEVER say 'I do.'"

Biggest mistake of my life. The ONE thing of my past I'd change. What an utter horror.

Called It, not for anything good. One of the peeps here on the job has a daughter in Keith's class. I asked if they got their child's report card, of course they had.

So of course I hadda leave numerous messages on It's voicemail asking to see Keith's card. Can you imagine??? I have to seek out my son's report card. Have you EVER heard of this level of illness? Of course, I come back to Toxichouse, no report card. Unfuckingbelievable.

St.Francis this am, core training this pm. Good. At least I got something good accomplished.

Now, what I don't get is: It bogarts the report card. No positive reinforcement if he did well, no consequences if he didn't. So what's the point? Sick bitch. Makes my parenting that much more difficult.

Fucking marriage sucks. Remind me to throw myself upon the priest/minister/rabbi/justice of the peace/Elvis impersonator, if I ever pass by a wedding ceremony. Tackle the motherfucker.

***jwtdo: who texts me: Football dad George. Did 25 mins on the dreadmill. Bless him.

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