
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, June 2, 2008

and we're off!

perfect am for a run. Cool temps, rip that shirt off n' go!!! Got my St.Francis on, feeling good. Didn't expect to after the weekend, but considering my times, not surprising. Always run to run another day.

Showered, changed, voicemail from Spike. "Mommy lost her keys, unless you come I'll have to walk to school." (2nd. time!!!!!!! Within 2 weeks. AND It has a friend's car in the driveway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You think it's easy?). Now, what's the biggie w/a 12 yr old walking????? But, when you live in the shit we do, it's a matter of coming when called. Must be reliable. So, climb into the truck, head home, 2 exits away, the inevitable call: Shithead found it's keys. God I love running. Put one foot in front of the other....................

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