
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, April 30, 2012

day 1008

JEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ!!! There's alot to be said for keeping a clear head, fortunately, living with what I do, you get LOTS of practice. Sybil's vehicle is dead, fuel pump. By coincidence, It has a jewelry party tomorrow night. Funny how that worked out. I'm sure It expects the house to Itself, not gonna happen. Again, has all the grey matter of a puddle. Remember when I went with It to the dealer, told It to pick whichever vehicle It Wanted? Paid the monthly bills, maintained it.....Then, It turned Satanic, demanded my keys to that vehicle, @ that point I detached, and the vehicle fell to shit. Good. This moron's hoopty died, had to have a groupie rescue It. God forbid you get Onstar or AAA. THAT'S what responsible adults do. Came back from the race yesterday, never should'a left Manhattan. It was, again, in rare form. The usual "you need to go to counseling...why don't you..." I went to the backyard to hang with the dog, overhearing It in the background grousing about the usual 10 year old crap, "cancer...didn't visit me..." until I could take no more. Reminded It I visited when I could, while raising a young child, checking his homework, maintaining a full time job, putting the house in perfect shape, as well as clearing ALL debt. See It TRY and do THAT!!! So, why the comment about keeping a clear head? 1)you KNOW I wanted to fight fire with fire, then It would'a had a GOOD reason to go psycho. 2) Got to the job this am, read an e mail that was actually much ado about nothing, but shows what happens when you don't keep your wits about you. Whew!!! Obviously, no run this am. Spin class. Miss running. Also miss my knees.

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