
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, April 20, 2012

day 998

:)!!! TGIF! Made it through another week. But this one's different. Usually I'm off Fridays, this week I havta represent the commissioner @ a function on campus, so I'm here. It works out well for all since I hadda get my miles in this am anyway. Awfully nice to be trusted enough to do the big boss's bidding. Another magnificent morning, grrrrreat temps. Weekend looks iffy. With our big race Sunday, I've learned not to expect anything. After being deeply hurt by they that professed love and dedication, then decided to fart around, rather than support our race.....the disappointment just wasn't worth it. My attitude now is: if you make it, you know how great it is. If you don't, it's YOUR loss. Really gives you a true measure of a person as well.

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