
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, January 27, 2011

day 550

no, Virginia, you CAN'T make this stuff up.

OK, Shebitch steals my credit card, then charges $831, with no remorse. Worse, feels entitled. NOW it has the gall to TRY to bite my head off. You really don't wanna know how I responded. Suffice to say, SOMEONE in Nassau County isn't getting shovelled out.

Made it to the job @ my usual time. Am I the only one to realize it was going to snow???

Why so happy? Finally (almost) pain free. Muscle relaxers did nothing. Ibuprofen did nothing. Our Psychiatrist asked if I was interested in acupuncture. Previously, I thought it was a useless placebo, but when you can't get up or sit without extreme pain (like a knife in your right side), you'll try anything. It worked!!! Holy Shit! Was really dreading the snow, knowing I'd have to shovel (THAT was part of yesterday evening's fun-telling It to "Shut the F up" as I hadda shovel with extreme back pain. Did It offer assistance? No. Ask if I needed help with the shovelling-or push Stoney to help??? No. Instead, raged that I hadn't dug It out for the previous storm-I HAD asked if It was going anywhere to which It responded in the negative. Yet, was a convenient excuse to rage @ me. Fuck It, let It rot. I'm pain free for now. I'll take it.).

Work: made it.
Shovel: did it (AND the facility vehicles no less.)
Time: was on the job @ my usual ungodly hour.

...now...if I could only run. Thank GOD for the gym.

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