
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, January 20, 2011

day 543

open up n' say

Ahhhhhhhh. Felt better. Not GREAT, but better. Actually had a-more or less-unfettered run yesterday evening. didn't really plan on it, with the am rain/sleet/lions-tigers-bears, didn't count on anything (it's THAT time of year). Then, come noon, the sun tried to come out-after yet another bout of rain (grrrrrrrr!). So, laced 'em up and headed out-was actually borderline shorts weather, but, better to sweat than catch a cold. The Line was actually clear(er), asphalt in some spots, enough to get a good footing. The downside? It was, again, an abbreviated run. After The Turn, near the softball fields, ice/snow....So, turn around, make it into a speed run.

Then, hadda ponder: push it to the point of exhaustion, or head home? Actually went to the gym, got my stuff outta the locker, and headed home (Shebitch has been outta there evenings, so no need to do drive-bys, yay!!!). Actually felt good to NOT work myself into exhaustion-when you have cold sweats, you KNOW you're burnt. Also, to get home @ a civil hour and NOT have an eighteen hour day was nice.

This am, The Line again. Esta noche into manana (starting @ midnight) SNOW. FUCK!!!!! So, hadda do a double (last evening and this am). Felt so good, actually pondered making it a regular thing. Fly in THAT ointment would be that when The Line finally clears, I'd be trying to do THAT twice daily (which wouldn't be such a bad thing).

Bottom line: got my miles. The world is a better place. Life IS good.

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