
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

day 548

Suck it up, buttercup!!!

So, after the shit that was yesterday, HADDA do SOMETHING. P.S., to add to the shit, my back went out!!!!! Lovely. So, ate an ibuprofen and laced 'em up! After the ridiculously cold single digit yesterday am, HADDA go out after work. REALLY glad I did. Like last week, I ran into a fellow peep. We both laughed, each recognized in the other the illness which befell both, "No am run, GOTTA go in the pm." Same thing yesterday. We even bade each other a "good morning" then laughed recognizing we were so used to The Groove. Funny. Just what I needed.

Things got really scary yesterday when on top of the credit card fraud, on top of the red light ticket, my back went. FUCK!!! Exacerbating matters was the knowledge that, as I'd known all along-but that doesn't diminish the pain-at times like these there really isn't anything anyone can do. You can post on your blog, you can post on Facebook, but the most people can do is offer words. Ultimately, you gotta Suck It Up Buttercup. So, grit your teeth and run motherfucker!

Back to Toxichouse, Stoney actually had the balls to ask for Taco Bell, I ignored him (yes, it hurt...but not more than enabling). He called Sybil who-of course-brought him junk food. In this process, he hands me the phone, It wanted to speak with me. It asks "what's the problem?" Can you imagine?????? I hung up. Bitch. Pure bitch. Actually thinks It has a right to 1)steal my mail 2)use my credit card without authorization. 2 felonies.

Thank GOD House was on. Just what I needed. Peeps on The Line and House. Yay!!!

This am? The Line, such as it is. Today, temps close to 40. Hopefully some of this shit will melt away. Need to rebuild up to St.Francis. Now, bear in mind I couldn't get outta bed without wincing, the back's really fucked. But, when you live as I do, with the dysfunction I do, you run. Again, glad I did. Tonight through manana, snow predicted. My mental state is vastly improved.

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