
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

day 542

REALLY pushing it!!!

Snow, sleet, now rain. FUCK!!!

Spin Class last night, worked up a SWEAT! Felt good. Again, easier on the knees.

This am, misty, then...THEN...RAIN! AND, snow predicted for the 24 hour period before the Manhattan Half. FUCK ME! NOTHING I friggin' do is easy.

To top it off, on my way in this am, caught a patient smoking. Just shoot me.

So, here's the plan. Of course now it stops raining. So, after work, go for a run. IF The Line is clear, ok. If not, it'll be the abbreviated line, then Boot Camp. REALLY wanna check the aerobics class this am, but you can't leave the staff unattended in the am. Times like this it's tough being The Fan-as in what the shit hits. On the flip side, SOMEBODY gots'ta make the tough decisions, might as well be me. On the other side, would you rather make the decisions or have them made for you? THAT'S the only part I miss of being a lower level staff person-hiding. Can't when there's work to be done. If nothing else. the kiddies gotta know mommy/daddy is there-much as they might dislike it.

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