
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, January 3, 2011

day 526


Resolutions? No. Live each day with that mind set. Rather, steel your resolve to, again, press on.

With conditions as they are, this can be difficult. Wanted to do St.Francis, no go. Despite the temps and rain yesterday, it was not possible. So, again, 4.5 instead. Tonight, spin class. Gotta make it up somewhere. (AND, House is a repeat-incentive there).

Again, Stoney up most of the night, Catcher in the Rye. I'd warned him against leaving it until Sunday, he responded with "no school Monday." SURPRISE!!!! School's in session. So, he spent half of saturday, all day yesterday until 3 am. Shebitch? Brought home Chinese food, sink full of rice. We ARE consistent, toilet clogged, now we're working on the kitchen sink.

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