
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, January 9, 2011

day 532


5m in CP, 9 minutes on the dot. I'm happy, VERY happy. there were 3 of us, my 2 other green peeps 10 years older, one minute 20 secs slower. Yes, it matters. Glad I did ok. THIS means I can break 9 in longer than a 5k if I really try. All the work is paying off.

Shebitch, screamed @ It before leaving for the run. It insists on taking bags of garbage and throwing them on the side of the house, the garbage can-a mere foot away. Fucking trailer trash. GREAT example for your son. This from the same psych patient who threw the broken Oreck behind the garage-50 paces, whereas the front garbage is 8. No, it isn't easy. Its excuse? "I slipped when I tried..." to which the obvious answer: you've been throwing garbage on the side of the house whether it was 90 degrees OR wintertime. Always a fucking excuse.

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