
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, December 30, 2010

day 522


Ok, sloppy out, running no go. Go to the gym.....NO CLASS AGAIN! HATE when they fuck with the schedule. Instead of Boot Camp, they had another. Fuck it, went home. Again, God is good. Who's there? STONEY! YAY!!! apparently, brotherfromanothermother was working, so he was there. Even if he's doing his mute bullshit, he's there. Made all the crap worth it, almost. I was as disappointed as he was that he couldn't hang with his peep, but he was having fun with his peeps online via online gaming. Also, he actually picked up dogpoop! A friggin' miracle...........let that sink in. The quid pro quo kicked in when he asked if I'd returned the Kinnect. (blood pressure building, pressure cooker swelling to the point of bursting...). I said I did and would speak with his mother to determine the next course of action. I again made him aware that he got over by getting double gifted, thus, shouldn't push his luck.

An hour later, I'm chillaxin', he comes upstairs to tell me he was going to his peeps' casa to get a game. Good, get some air. I was impressed he remembered to tell me where he was going (funny how leverage makes an attitude disappear).

This am, Shebitch taking him to Its anniversary. it claims to have 24 years sober. We'll just ignore drinking coffee to stay awake then taking sleeping pills for 3 years. We'll just ignore a year and a half of benzos and the mood swings and verbal abuse of your spouse-all in the presence of your son. If THAT'S sobriety, get me a drink. Ripping the father in the presence of the child? Deny the father the opportunity to view the child's report card? Portraying the father as Satan to any and all? Yeah, real sobriety there. Do absolutely NOTHING for the household??? Ipods for all, 2 for 1 dollar cookies for your husband??? Yeah, nice. Keep coffee in your car in the event that (god forbid) husband uses it? Where's that drink? Demeans all of us who have hard earned sobriety. Professional victim? Yes. Sober living, obviously not.

Best of all, while it grabs Stoney for this "anniversary," it spends the night, again, away from home. As it was packing I was verbally thanking God for my good fortune. Again, THIS is sober? Go stay with a sick friend while ignoring your family. Nice.

New Year's eve looking good. Confirmed my reservation, temps supposed to be great! YAY!!! Be my first run in days. Best of all, it's a qualifier, and no chips!!! A qualifier with NO pressure! I could actually not go at all, and get credit for the race. Wouldn't miss it for the world (GREAT way to celebrate the New Year, killer fireworks), but the freedom of knowing that is wonderful.

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