
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, December 24, 2010

day 516

Ho ho ho!!!!

There's ALOT to be said for doing the right thing, even though things appear bleak.

As happens every year, Christmas comes with its issues. This year is no different. House has no heat nor a Christmas tree, Shebitch is NEVER there, Stoney left alone. Everything is my problem. Finally yesterday I got fed up, left It a voicemail to the effect of "it's Christmas eve eve, I saw the gifts you bought for your friends, yet we have no heat. At LEAST buy a fucking tree." I come home yesterday, what's there? A TREE!!! Yay! Finally It got over Itself. I was fucking thrilled. Nice. Down side: Stoney's got a cold-big surprise, never eats veggies, house is freezing. Hey, we got a tree, we're batting 500.

Staff party went well, people couldn't wrap their heads around the concept of a grab bag ("why didn't I get a gift?" "Did you BRING one???"), so we had 6 participants. We did that rather than the Kris Kringle. After all was said and done, go back to my office, a dozen golf balls on my chair, thanks Boss! Nice. BUT, it WAS a buy one get one (he doesn't know I know that), but it's the thought. He ended up picking the gift I brought for the grab bag-a dvd of Get Him to the Greek. Nice all around. Good food catered by a local Italian place.

Then the REAL party. The patients. Every year we do pretty much the same thing, but it always goes off flawlessly. What fun, really chokes me up/puts me in the spirit. Best of all-for the patients-a SHITLOAD of food. Good, as it should be. I'm talkin' put some in the freezer, there was THAT much-9 chafing dishes (you know, with the sternos etc...) PLUS deserts. They deserve it.

What makes it difficult is, it's pretty much the ME show. I practice with them, I pick the songs, I lead the show. Hey, we ALL know I don't do it for ego's sake but because I know what I'm doing. It IS labor intensive: choosing the songs, practicing (amidst NUMEROUS interruptions, not to mention getting 26 strangers to do what I tell them), buying the decorations, arranging for the food, picking volunteers, decorating the venue, running off the music, making sure the instruments work....it's alot. And I'd have it no other way. Since I can remember, I got the "leadership ability...take charge person...his presence is felt when he enters a room..." bullshit, this was the time to use it. And it was WONDERFUL. Wore The Shoes, and the Santa Pimp hat. Best of all, the tight jeans I usually wear were loose(r).

Nice, very nice. Ho ho ho.

This am? 30 degs, little if any wind. Again, felt good. didn't know if I'd make it, since last night sapped me of any energy, but as Steve first told me "the hardest part is getting out the door." Also, it means something to the peeps here to see me @ same bat time doing the same bat shit. Barely broke a sweat. Actually got there earlier than usual. When the alarm went off this am, actually hit the snooze button-in the back of my mind knowing I'm owed a shitload of hours after sixteen hour days like yesterday. So, knowing I had that freedom-not feeling enslaved to report at any assigned time (as if I ever did???!!!), I actually made it here WAY early. Sure i'll pass out as soon as I stop moving, but for now, I'm ok. Left knee a bit achy, but otherwise ok.

(was REALLY nice to have Noelleh here yesterday. Always a delight when a peep from the real world enters this one. Again, reinforces the spirit of the season, i.e. could'a been anywhere else but made it a point to be here.)


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