
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, December 5, 2010

day 497

created a monster!!!

OK, did well yesterday, better than I had a right to. So, naturally, hadda push it.

This am, another flat-though too many turns-5k. Ran into Deb in the gym @ the start, got into a conv with her and some of the usual suspects. Was, again, great to see the LI peeps, plus the added bonus of Deb. THEN, discussed the off-the-wall idea of back to back 5k's. This am's "Pancake Run" was 9 exits from home, the later 5k this am 9 exits after that hmmmm.

So, off we went, cold, but do-able. Deb paced me, though I doubt she knew it. Worked out well. I HATE seeing split clocks, or being told my times, so just did my best. Did well, though I didn't know HOW well until a few minutes ago :) .

Came in 4 seconds per mile faster than yesterday! YAY!!! Thanks Deb. Was tempted to push to pass her, but no, run to run another day.

So, there we were before the run, when one of the usual suspects says he told Polansky he WAS in fact doing back to backs. That's it, the challenge was there!!! Add to this, getting outta Brentwood was a fucking nightmare! Auxillary cops didn't think to let traffic out between walkers, finally, I followed usual suspect out. THAT, even, was a chore! Usually raffles are based on bib, this am, based on ticket. and I didn't have one!!!!! I was PISSED, the raffles here are good ones, but fuck it, I did ok-so I thought (didn't know I did THAT well, yay!!!!!). So, onto race #2.

Can't beLIEVE I did 2 5k's, but one was @ 9am, the next @ 11 am. Whatthefuck, why not?

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