
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

day 513

THAT was weird/Spirit of the Season/Best of Times-Worst of Times

Ok, so you know the War of the Roses re: Shebitch. That's the foundation. Yesterday Stoney is NOT left lunch $$$ since he supposedly gave some of the $ I gave for movies to a peep for snacks-and was gonna get it repaid (which was obviously bullshit, but, call his bluff).

Yesterday, brotherfromanother called, got the Kinect for X Box, raved. So, like an asshole, I took a chance @ Sears, bought the lil' bastard THE LAST ONE. It was obviously meant to be.

Coworker relates a text from her daughter (in Stoney's class) who indicated there was a big fight, someone brought a gun, school in lockdown. Tried, repeatedly texting him, nothing. Called Shebitch, similarly, nothing. REALLY glad I bought that killer gift-twice the lil bastard's Christmas budget fyi.

FINALLY shebitch picks up, tells me the obvious, he's pissed @ me. Did she back me up? Of course not, remember, this bitch can't get an oil delivery. This bitch can't get a Christmas tree-we have neither heat nor a tree. Joy joy.

I get home, he asks me to not slam the door, I ask him to NOT LIE. We had a shouting match to rival Kruschev @ the UN. Finally, left it with informing him that following NO replies, my number is now changed, when he next desires taco bell, steal it.

REALLY can't believe he was such a lil prick.

...so...the Christmas miracle. Of course, after making my point, I gave him lunch money for the week (remember, yesterday I gave him nothing, did Shebitch step up? No, but I'M Satan???). This am, I wake up to a $5 on the counter. I gave him one day's worth too much.

So, what have we learned? He's spoiled rotten, but honest.

I'll take it. Now, gotta work on the respect thing.

This am? St.Francis, felt REALLY good!!! Wonder why.

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